The accessory dwelling unit revolution

It all begins with an idea. Well in this case it might begin with a long standing tradition to subdivide, enclose and maximize the use of property.

The shifting living habits and osmosis between suburban and urban realms, especially at Chicago’s immediate neighbor to the North, has driven several jurisdictions to allow building owners to add accessory units on their lot.

These will take the shape of coach houses, tiny homes, finished basements or attics or even independent buildings. The uses are endless, ranging from a first home for growing children to rental property, to an in-law unit, b&b, detached home-office, in-place retirement dwelling while the main house can be rented or sold.

In cities with a main street and alley system, the ADU generates a second path of circulation, activating and vitalizing the back alleys.

There’s talk in Evanston about creating a system of art gallery, we will be waiting for the back alley vernissage.


The TAG’S BAKERY remodel is in the news


Food and Architecture: the 1960 Aperitivo Project